astrocartography readings
Your key to a happy life
astrocartography reading

Master Your Astrocartography Chart: A Simple Guide to Understanding Its Impact

Have you ever wondered how different places in the world can influence your life?
An astrocartography chart answers this by mapping your birth chart onto the globe, showing how planetary energies affect you in various locations. This guide will help you understand what an astrocartography chart is and how it can help you make informed decisions about where to live, work, or travel.
Key Takeaways
  • Astrocartography maps your birth chart onto a global map, highlighting locations where planetary influences impact aspects of your life, such as love, career, and travel.
  • Precise birth information (time, date, and location) is crucial for creating an accurate astrocartography chart, ensuring the planetary lines are correctly aligned with your astrological blueprint.
  • Interpreting your astrocartography chart can help you make informed decisions about relocation, travel, career moves, and relationships by understanding how different global locations can support or challenge you.
Perhaps you are looking for a place, city, or country where it will be easier for you to earn money.
Perhaps you want to find a place where you can finally feel at home.
Imagine having the power to uncover the cities that align perfectly with you!

What is an Astrocartography Chart?

Astrocartography is a form of locational astrology that maps your birth chart onto a world map, revealing how planetary placements affect different regions. This unique system emerged in the 1970s, pioneered by astrologer Jim Lewis, who sought to understand how planetary influences could be mapped globally. Astrocartography creates a visual representation by plotting where planets were rising and setting at your birth, illustrating how celestial bodies shape various regions worldwide.

Astrocartography charts are essentially world maps adorned with planetary lines, that highlight meaningful and transformative locations. Each line represents a different planet’s influence, similar to how they function in a traditional birth chart. For example, Venus lines on the map might indicate regions where love and beauty are emphasized, while Jupiter lines could point to areas of luck and opportunity.

The chart indicates energy and action potential at specific global locations based on intersecting planetary lines. This means that by understanding where these lines fall on your astrocartography map, you can identify places that might be particularly beneficial or challenging for you. It’s like having a GPS that guides you to places where you can thrive.

The beauty of astrocartography maps is their ability to visually represent the unseen energies that influence our lives. An astrocartography chart can provide insight into:

  • the most suitable places for living
  • the most suitable places for working
  • the most suitable places for traveling
  • the most suitable places for finding love

It’s a powerful tool for anyone interested in exploring how the planets affect our earthly experiences.

How Your Birth time, date, and place Influences on You

The exact time of your birth is critical for determining your rising sign, which is considered the most unique aspect of your birth chart. The rising sign changes frequently throughout the day, making an accurate birth time essential for a precise and reliable birth chart. This rising sign shapes how your birth chart unfolds and influences your personality, appearance, and how others perceive you.

Your birth date and location are also necessary to calculate your birth chart accurately. The sun’s position in your chart indicates where you typically receive acknowledgment in life, shining a light on your core identity and ego. Meanwhile, the moon represents your inner self, including emotional needs and habits, providing a deeper understanding of your emotional landscape.

Having precise birth information is crucial for the accuracy of your birth chart. Inaccuracies can lead to unreliable readings and misinterpretations of your astrological blueprint. This is why it’s essential to know your exact birth time, date, and place when exploring astrocartography and other forms of astrology.

Understanding the significance of these details allows you to see how astrocartography tailors its insights to your individual circumstances. This personalized approach ensures that the planetary energies influencing different regions are aligned with your unique astrological makeup, offering a roadmap to navigate your life more effectively.

Life Doesn’t Always
Give You A Map,
We Do!

Order your Astrocartography chart today!

Imagine having the power to uncover the cities that align perfectly with your personal and professional aspirations. Whether you’re looking for a place where it will be easier to earn money or a city that feels like home, a relocation chart can provide the insights you need. By ordering a Astrocartography chart, you can get a detailed analysis of how different locations will impact your life.

An astrocartography chart can reveal the best places for you to live, work, and thrive, helping you make more informed decisions about your future. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to align your surroundings with your astrological blueprint. Order your Astrocartography chart today and take the first step towards finding your perfect place in the world.

Interpreting Astrocartography Chart

Interpreting your astrocartography chart involves understanding the meaning of the various planetary lines and their influences. Each line on your astrocartography map corresponds to a particular planet and signifies different types of energy and action potential. For instance, the Saturn line brings structure and potential growing pains, while the Jupiter line symbolizes luck, fun, and expansiveness.

The planetary lines in can have different effects on individuals.

Astrocartography Chart
Sun Line: On the line of the Sun, you can become yourself and express yourself fully. Sun is closely associated with self-realization, recognition, and success.
Here you put your interests, aspirations, and desires first. You are the center of your life.
The line of the Sun is very favorable professionally. Talented and hardworking people reach great heights if their residence is on this line.
It may also be helpful to stay on the line of the Sun precisely while searching for one's path and destiny.
This is a good place for self-actualized. You will shine here.
In astrocartography reading, except for analyzing two regions (e.g. USA, Canada, Europe and UK, South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and all cities in those regions, we consider your city of residence, your desired city to move to (if you have one), as well as your work or interests and find the most suitable cities for your profession or interests.

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Each astrocartography reading is done manually by an astrologer.
We highly recommend "Astrocartography readings + Your Ideal Profession"

This will give a complex answer to all questions.

You will receive answers to the questions: what professions are ideal for you and in which cities and countries to live for maximum realization of yourself and your financial potential. With a discount of $30.

You will also find out which cities to avoid.

Also, in astrocartography reading, we analyze your profession and find places that are suitable specifically for your profession.

Example of Astrocartography Chart

After ordering Astrocartography Readings you get 18 pages of your personal Astrocartography Readings in PDF
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart

*click to zoom

*click to zoom

An astrocartography reading also includes an analysis of the city you currently live in and an analysis of the city you are considering moving to (if you are thinking about moving now).

Also, the astrocartographic readings include a list of cities on each line.
locational astrology
Example of Your ideal profession based on your date of birth
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart
Astrocartography Chart

How to use an Astrocartography chart in life?

Using your astrocartography chart can help you make informed decisions about:

  • Travel
  • Relocation
  • Career
  • Relationships

Mapping your birth charts onto a world map helps identify locations where planetary lines intersect, signifying potential areas for transformation and growth.

For example, spending time in locations where significant lines create intersections can awaken repressed aspects of yourself, aiding in personal transformation. These intersections can be powerful catalysts for change, helping you unlock new potentials and overcome challenges.

Certain places on your astrocartography chart can support you in areas like relationships, work, or self-confidence, while other places might present challenges that drive personal growth. Comprehending these influences enables strategic selection of locations that align with your goals, paving the way for a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Whether you’re looking to find love, advance your career, or simply explore new horizons, your astrocartography chart can serve as a valuable guide. It provides an astrology perspective on where you can thrive and grow, helping you live your best life.

Why you need to have your own Astrocartography chart?

Having your own astrocartography chart can provide valuable insights into your life’s journey. It can guide you on where to travel, live, and find love based on the celestial points at your birth. This personalized map of planetary influences can explain why some places may feel more supportive or challenging than others.

Your astrocartography chart can validate personal experiences and help you understand challenges related to specific locations. For example, if you’ve ever felt inexplicably drawn to or repelled by a particular city, your chart might hold the answers.

Depending on the placement of planets in your chart, certain lines, such as the mercury line and the sun line, can help you develop creative talents, heal, or find inspiration. Traveling along these lines can enhance aspects like creativity, mental clarity, and professional growth, offering a deeper connection to your true self.

Ultimately, your astrocartography chart is a powerful tool for navigating life’s journey. It provides a celestial roadmap that helps you make the most of your experiences and navigate challenges with greater ease and understanding.


Astrocartography offers a fascinating glimpse into how the planets influence our lives based on where we are in the world. By understanding your astrocartography chart, you can make more informed decisions about travel, relocation, and personal growth. This celestial map can guide you to places where you can thrive, helping you live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So, why not explore your own astrocartography chart and see where the stars might lead you?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is an astrocartography chart?

An astrocartography chart maps your birth chart onto a world map, showing how planetary placements affect different regions you live or travel to. It's a fascinating tool to understand the astrological influences in different places!

How do I order an astrocartography chart?

You can order an Astrocartography chart through our website, we specialize in astrocartography readings. We will provide you with detailed insights into the best places for you to live, work, and thrive!

What do the lines on my astrocartography map mean?

The lines on your astrocartography map represent various planetary energies, indicating different opportunities and experiences related to luck, love, or transformation. Exciting, right?

Why is my birth time important for astrocartography?

Your birth time is important for astrocartography because it determines your rising sign and shapes the insights provided by your astrocartography chart. Without it, the accuracy of planetary influences may be compromised.

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