Sun Line: On the line of the Sun, you can become yourself and express yourself fully. Sun is closely associated with self-realization, recognition, and success.
Here you put your interests, aspirations, and desires first. You are the center of your life.
The line of the Sun is very favorable professionally. Talented and hardworking people reach great heights if their residence is on this line.
It may also be helpful to stay on the line of the Sun precisely while searching for one's path and destiny.
This is a good place for self-actualized. You will shine here.
Jupiter Line: Jupiter gives growth, advancement, and expansion of what is already there. On the line of Jupiter, everything is going well. Here you will feel stable and harmonious prosperity.
Jupiter influences career, position in society, and material well-being, as well as education and personal development.
Although the line of the Sun has a more significant influence on career success and recognition, sometimes the most important and major achievements in life occur precisely on the line of Jupiter.
On Jupiter line is good to get education.
Just like the Venus, the Line of Jupiter is the most monetary and improves the financial situation.
Here income can grow significantly.
Even if you come to the Jupiter line to relax, buy a lottery ticket - there are much more chances to win.
Line of Mars: It is easy to get physically injured on the Line of Mars. Also Mars is conflicts and clashes of interests.
Possible impulsivity.
But at the same time, Mars gives you a lot of energy, not only for conflicts but in general for life, for business.
On the Line of Mars, precautions must always be taken, especially where there is an increased risk of accidents: tracks, mountains, fire, and gym.
This place could be good for energy, drive, and ambition, but can also be frustrating and lead to triggering anger, inflammation, or burnout in the long run.
Line of Mercury: Mercury activates communication, social connections, friendship, and partnership in a person's life.
In the places of Mercury you will have an abundance of customers and orders, even if you work remotely and your customers live far away.
The Mercury line is well suited for bloggers and writters. And if you supplement the Mercury with the Venus Line, then the blog will also bring money.
This is an excellent place to get an education.
On the line of Mercury, it is easier to learn a foreign language.
Moon Line: In places on the Moon Line, our emotions, both good and bad, are heightened. Here, spiritual uplift, inspiration, and depression are also possible. On the line of the Moon, both positive and negative experiences are intensified.
Here it can be difficult to find emotional balance, so it is recommended to control the sources of emotions.
On the Line of the Moon, intuition is enhanced.
In this place it is good to work with the subconscious.
The Moon is associated with the concept of home and family, as well as home comfort.
Also, the line of the Moon is suitable for the conception of a child, pregnancy and the birth of a child. This is very good place for motherhood.
Line of Venus: Pleasure and delight, comfort and luxury, as well as romance and love, are the main themes of the Venus line.
Venus brings us money and love.
Being on the line of Venus, a person feels unconditional joy and satisfaction. Even simple things bring joy to a person on the line of Venus.
This is one of the best places to live. This place for a person will be very similar to Heaven on Earth.
It is also best to relax and spend holidays on the line of Venus.
The line of Venus brings bright romantic adventures.
Venus is no less generous than Jupiter and promotes financial prosperity. Money on the Venus line comes from professional activities and through generous gifts, successful investments, and grants.
Since places on the line of Venus are ideal for relaxation, it is not easy to work actively here. Relaxation atmosphere distracts from everyday tasks.
But creative people easily self-realize on the line of Venus, as well as on the Line of the Sun.
Also on the Line of Venus, you immediately feel that you are at home. Even if you have never been to this city or country, but arrived for the first time, you feel you have returned home. You get a clear feeling that "This is my home. I returned home. I want to live here. My heart is here"
Venus Line gives your love life or finances a boost.
On the line of Venus, it is easy for us to be beautiful. Venus is about beauty.
Line of Neptune: life on the line of Neptune is most often a life of illusion, a life of dreams.
Here you can dream and generate ideas, but this does not mean they will come true, they may remain ideas.
The Neptune line is suitable only for very creative extraordinary personalities. Neptune is associated with art, muse and creative inspiration.
The line of Neptune is not for practical people. Practical people begin to build castles in the air here, to be in illusions, to engage in self-deception.
The line of Neptune is suitable for practicing mysticism, esoterics, or going deep into religion.
Neptune can also lead to addictions. It can be material, emotional or psychological addictios.
North Node Line: The Node reinforces the line that runs next to it. For example, if the Line of Jupiter passes next to it, then positive and good luck increase.
If the Line of Saturn is nearby, then there will be little good and it is better to refrain from visiting and, even more so, living in this place. Also, the person will feel isolated.
If the line of Neptune is nearby, then the person will live in illusions, and depression is likely. You will see no future for yourself in this country. You will feel doomed.
And also on the Node Line a person lives his Karma.
Line of Saturn: living or being on the line of Saturn, a person feels out of place, a stranger. Person constantly asks himself: "What am I doing here?"
On the line of Saturn, a person feels isolated.
Also on the Line of Saturn there can be difficulties and trials.
It is not desirable to live on the Line of Saturn. The line of Saturn may not affect a short vacation.
There may be delays and obstacles on the Saturn Line.
Also on the Line of Saturn, you can get sick, up to seeking medical help.
Pluto line: On the Pluto line, bridges with old life are being burned, life is being transformed.
If near Pluto the line of Jupiter will change for the better, if the line of Saturn is near, there will be complications and difficulties, if the line of the Node or Uranus is near, there will be a powerful shake-up, a global turn, may be unplanned and unexpected.
On the Pluto Line, transformation is taking place both internally and externally.
Pluto symbolizes the intensity of feelings, passion and strong emotions.
Uranus Line: Unexpectedc things happen on the Uranus line, both at work and in personal life.
Uranus means new technology and ideas. It's also about freedom, doing things your way, and big changes.
Surprises happen on the Uranus lineāsome good, some not so good.
Uranus is linked to science, trying new things, and finding out new stuff.
If you seek drastic change and innovation, this could be a good place for you but it may feel destabilizing in the long run.