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Find Your Perfect Place: How Relocation Astrology Guides Your Move

Relocation astrology helps you understand how moving to a new place might affect your life based on astrological influences. By examining your birth chart in relation to different locations, you can find the best places for your personal and professional growth. This article will guide you through the basics of relocation astrology, how it works, and how it can help you make more informed decisions about where to live and thrive.

Key Aspects of Locational Astrology

  • Relocation astrology, also known as astrocartography, maps your birth chart against a world map to reveal how moving to different places might impact your life, offering insights into relationships, career opportunities, and overall well-being!
  • A relocation chart adjusts your natal chart to reflect a new geographic location, potentially shifting planetary influences and revealing new opportunities or challenges in areas such as career and family.
  • By ordering a relocation chart, you gain valuable insights into which locations best align with your personal and professional aspirations, helping you make informed decisions about where to live, work, and thrive!

Understanding Relocation Astrology

Relocation astrology is a fascinating tool used to determine how moving to a new place might impact various aspects of your life, such as relationships, career, and overall well-being. Imagine being able to choose a city or country not just for its economic opportunities or climate, but for its energetic alignment with your astrological chart. This is where astrocartography, also known as locational astrology, comes into play.

Perhaps you are looking for a place, city, or country where it will be easier for you to earn money.
Perhaps you want to find a place where you can finally feel at home.
Imagine having the power to uncover the cities that align perfectly with you!

Astrocartography involves mapping your birth chart against a world map to reveal how different locations can influence different aspects of your life. This practice illuminates the way energies of various locations can either bolster or test your personal growth. This unique approach allows you to see how relocating can lead to different physical and psychological experiences, with new planetary emphases coming into play.

Astrocartography was pioneered by astrologer Jim Lewis, who developed a method to plot astrological influences on a global scale. This method helps you understand how the planetary positions at the time of your birth interact with different geographic locations. Investigating these interactions can offer insights into locales where you might encounter more opportunities for success, happiness, and personal fulfillment.

The Birth Chart's Role in Relocation

Your birth chart is the cornerstone of relocation astrology. It serves as the foundation upon which relocation charts are built. To create an accurate astrocartography chart, it’s vital to know your exact birth time. This precision ensures that the planetary positions and house placements are correctly mapped to different locations, offering a clear picture of how moving could impact your life.

Moving to new places can awaken latent energies within you, challenging or supporting your personal growth. For instance, certain planets might become more prominent in your relocated chart, bringing new opportunities or challenges that were previously dormant. Comprehending these shifts can guide you in making informed decisions about your living, working, or travel destinations, culminating in a more satisfying life.

What Is a Relocation Chart?

A relocation chart is a modified version of your natal chart that shows how planetary energies manifest in a specific geographic area. Unlike your natal chart, which remains static, a relocation chart adjusts the positions of celestial bodies to reflect a new location while keeping the same birth date and time. This adjustment can reveal how different places might influence your life, offering new perspectives and opportunities.

In a relocation chart, the positions of the planets in terms of degrees remain the same as in your natal chart, but the houses they occupy can change based on the new location. This shift can lead to different emphases in life experiences and personal traits. For example, a planet that was in your fourth house (home and family) might move to your tenth house (career and public image), indicating potential changes in these areas when you move.

The changes indicated by a relocation chart are not immediate but unfold over time as you acclimate to the new location. This gradual process allows you to integrate the new planetary influences into your life, leading to subtle but significant shifts in your experiences and personal development.

Whether you’re moving permanently or just exploring new places, a relocation chart can provide invaluable insights into how different locations can shape your journey.

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Interpreting Your Relocation Chart

Interpreting a relocation chart involves understanding how the positions of planets shift when you move to another location. Differences in longitude, latitude, and time zones influence the new chart, affecting the house placements of planets and your rising sign. This means that even if the planets themselves don’t change, their influence on various aspects of your life can vary significantly.

Relocation charts offer insights into how parts of your chart are activated in different cities. By pinpointing these shifts, you can identify locations where you might experience favorable outcomes based on your astrological alignments.

Order your Relocation chart today!

Imagine having the power to uncover the cities that align perfectly with your personal and professional aspirations. Whether you’re looking for a place where it will be easier to earn money or a city that feels like home, a relocation chart can provide the insights you need. By ordering a relocation reading, you can get a detailed analysis of how different locations will impact your life.

Relocation readings can reveal the best places for you to live, work, and thrive, helping you make more informed decisions about your future. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to align your surroundings with your astrological blueprint. Order your relocation chart today and take the first step towards finding your perfect place in the world.

In astrocartography reading, except for analyzing two regions (e.g. USA, Canada, Europe and UK, South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and all cities in those regions, we consider your city of residence, your desired city to move to (if you have one), as well as your work or interests and find the most suitable cities for your profession or interests.
Choosing the right location is more than just finding a place to live; it’s about finding a place where you can truly thrive. By considering the astrological influences of different places, you can make an informed decision that enhances your overall well-being and success.

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Each astrocartography reading is done manually by an astrologer.
We highly recommend "Astrocartography readings + Your Ideal Profession"

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You will also find out which cities to avoid.

Also, in astrocartography reading, we analyze your profession and find places that are suitable specifically for your profession.

Example of Astrocartography Chart

After ordering Astrocartography Chart you get 18 pages of your personal Astrocartography Readings in PDF
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relocation chart
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relocation chart

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An astrocartography reading also includes an analysis of the city you currently live in and an analysis of the city you are considering moving to (if you are thinking about moving now).

Also, the astrocartographic readings include a list of cities on each line.
locational astrology
Example of Your ideal profession based on your date of birth
locational astrology
locational astrology
locational astrology

How to use Locational Astrology in life

Locational astrology can be a powerful tool for personal evolution, helping you map your birth chart against the world map to determine the influence of different locations on various aspects of your life.

For instance, moving to a location where certain planets are more prominent can awaken repressed aspects within you, inspiring new opportunities for self-discovery and growth.

Traveling or relocating can shift internal energies prompted by the external environment, leading to significant personal evolution. Appreciating the astrological influences of various locations allows you to make informed decisions about residency, work, and travel destinations, guaranteeing that your surroundings bolster your journey towards fulfillment.

Why you need to have your own Relocation chart?

Relocation charts help you comprehend the cosmic influences in different geographical locations, allowing you to make more informed decisions about where to live and travel. Comprehending how planetary energies vary in different places enables you to harmonize your surroundings with your astrological blueprint, boosting your overall well-being and success.


In summary, relocation astrology offers a unique and insightful way to understand how different locations can impact various aspects of your life. From mapping your birth chart against a world map to interpreting your relocation chart, our Astrocartography Chart provides the tools you need to make informed decisions about where to live, work, and travel.

By considering the astrological influences of different places, you can find locations that support your personal and professional growth. Whether you’re looking to enhance your career, find emotional fulfillment, or simply explore new opportunities, relocation astrology can help you uncover the best places for your unique astrological profile.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between astrocartography and relocation astrology?

There is no difference. Astrocartography and relocation astrology are two terms that are often used interchangeably to describe the same practice. Both involve mapping your birth chart against a world map to understand how different geographic locations can influence various aspects of your life. This practice can reveal how moving to a new place might affect your relationships, career opportunities, and overall well-being. By examining the planetary influences at your time of birth in relation to different locations, you can gain valuable insights into the best places for your personal and professional growth.

While some people might refer to the practice as astrocartography, others might call it relocation astrology; however, the core principles remain the same. Both methods aim to provide a deeper understanding of how geographic changes can impact your life based on astrological factors. Whether you're planning a permanent move or just curious about how different locations might affect you, both astrocartography and relocation astrology offer a unique perspective on finding the perfect place to live and thrive.

What is relocation astrology?

Relocation astrology helps you understand how moving to a new place could impact different parts of your life, like relationships and career. It's a fascinating tool for anyone considering a big move!

How does my birth chart influence relocation astrology?

Your birth chart is the key to understanding relocation astrology. By mapping it against a world map, you can discover how different locations may influence different areas of your life!

How can I order a relocation chart?

You can order a relocation chart through our website, we specialize in astrocartography readings. We will provide you with detailed insights into the best places for you to live, work, and thrive!

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