astrocartography readings
Your key to a happy life
astrocartography reading
Take the quiz to find your ideal place in the world and transform your life today!
If it is about You - You need Astrocartography Readings right now!

It's not you—it's your location!

Struggling to Find Your Path?
Tired of Feeling Lost?
Fed Up with Uncertainty?
Sick Not Know Where to Belong?
Tired of Financial Struggles?
Feeling Lonely and Lost?
Yearning for Love?
Feeling like You don't fit in anywhere?
Has everything been going sideways despite your best efforts?
Has everything been going sideways despite your best efforts?
Do you feel like you're walking through a constant fog?
You`re probably living on your Neptune line!

Understanding Astrocartography and the Neptune Line

Astrocartography mixes astrology with geography to see how places influence your life and growth. Astrologers make a map of where the planets were when you were born. They find important lines on this map that touch different places. These lines, called astrocartography lines, really affect parts of your life like work, love, money, communication, and relationships.

It's incredible how the location you live in could shape your destiny in so many ways!

What is Neptune Line Astrocartography?

In Astrocartography Neptune Line - is a place where you are under the influence of dreams, illusions, mysticism, esotericism, and spirituality. Here you get a unique energy that can both inspire and deceive.
It is precisely because of its influence that the Neptune line is suitable only for people whose lives are connected with atypical art (for example, art that draws inspiration from mysticism) and esotericism.

For other people, the Neptune line makes them live in illusions and dreams.
When a person lives on the line of Neptune, it has a profound impact on their life and experiences.

The Neptune line in astrocartography reflects the strong influence of Neptune's energy in a particular location.

Feeling Lost or Disconnected?

It's not you—it's your location
Why is it important?
Knowing that the problem is not in you, but in your place of living -
you can radically and quickly change everything.
Here is how Planetary lines are affecting us:
astrocartography Neptune line
Sun Line: The line of the Sun is a special place where you can be yourself and achieve your goals. It's all about realizing your potential, being recognized for your talents, and finding success in your life. When you're on this line, you get to focus on your own interests and desires, and you become the center of your world.
This is a great place for people who are hardworking and talented. If you live on the line of the Sun, you'll have the best chance of reaching your professional goals and achieving great things. It's also a good place to be if you're trying to figure out what to do with your life.
In short, the line of the Sun is a place where you can be your best self and shine bright.

In astrocartography reading, we consider your city of residence, your desired city to move to (if you have one), as well as your work or interests and find the most suitable cities for your profession or interests.
We highly recommend "Astrocartography readings + Your Ideal Profession"

This will give a complex answer to all questions.

You will receive answers to the questions: what professions are ideal for you and in which cities and countries to live for maximum realization of yourself and your financial potential. With a discount of $30.

You will also find out which cities to avoid.

Also, in astrocartography reading, we analyze your profession and find places that are suitable specifically for your profession.

We accept payment in any currency

Example of Astrocartography Readings
After ordering Astrocartography Readings you get 18 pages of your personal Astrocartography Readings in PDF
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line
astrocartography Neptune line

*click to zoom

*click to zoom

An astrocartographic reading also includes an analysis of the city you currently live in and an analysis of the city you are considering moving to (if you are thinking about moving now).

Also, the astrocartographic readings include a list of cities on each line.
neptune mc line astrocartography

*click to zoom

Example of Your ideal profession based on your date of birth
neptune mc line astrocartography
neptune mc line astrocartography
neptune mc line astrocartography

*click to zoom

Examples from the lives of celebrities

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Robin Williams

July 21, 1951, 1:34 PM

Chicago (IL) (United States)

Robin Williams lived and worked in Paradise Cay, California, which is located on his Jupiter line.
On the line of Jupiter, a person expects success, prosperity, financial well-being, as well as celebrity. As we can see, Robin intuitively chose a place of residence that ultimately helped him with success and prosperity.

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Elon Musk

June 28, 1971, 7:30 AM

Pretoria (South Africa)

Tesla, Inc. was founded in San Carlos, California.
And guess what? San Carlos is located on the Jupiter line of Elon Musk. Jupiter line= money line.
CEO Elon Musk moved Tesla's corporate headquarters from California to Austin, Texas officially in December 2021.
And guess what? Austin is located on the Venus line, which is also the money line. Venus is also about joy, entertainment, and satisfaction.

*swipe left

Bill Gates

October 28, 1955, 10:00 PM

Seattle (WA) (United States)

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has its headquarters in Seattle, Washington, which is located between the Mercury and Uranus lines of Bill Gates. Mercury is communications, and Uranus is moving forward; you couldn’t imagine a better way for the fund.

As we see, location determines everything!
  • John, Texas
    "Not going to lie, life was spiralling out of control. It turns out, unknowingly, I moved to a city sitting on my Neptune line. This discovery was illuminating. Thanks to Astrocartography reading, I moved just 300 km away and my life has improved significantly. Thanks again.
  • Jane Doe, California
    I didn’t understand why my life was going so strangely, almost nothing was working out. And thanks to the fact that I found out that I live on the Neptune Line, I decided to move (not far away). And this knowledge cost me only $19.
  • Chloe, Key West
    Seriously, this service is a golden ticket. I just want to say you thank you. Now I am sure in my choice. Thank you again!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Neptune Ascendant Line (Neptune AC line):

  • This is where Neptune was rising at the moment of your birth.
  • In these places, you might feel like your intuition, creativity, and spiritual side are stronger.
  • These places are great for growing personally by expressing yourself through art, exploring spirituality, and understanding your subconscious better.
  • You might experience a sense of mystery, enchantment, and increased sensitivity to your environment.

Neptune Midheaven Line (Neptune MC line):

  • This is where Neptune was at the highest point in your horoscope, influencing your career and public status.
  • In these areas, you are likely to thrive in careers related to the arts, spirituality, healing, and humanitarian work.
  • Excellent for career advancement in fields that involve creativity, compassion, and the ability to inspire others.
  • You may find opportunities for leadership in roles that require vision, empathy, and a connection to the collective unconscious.

Neptune Descendant Line (Neptune DC line):

  • This is where Neptune was setting on the horizon at the time of your birth.
  • Neptune influences your personal relationships and partnerships in these regions.
  • Suitable for forming deeply spiritual and compassionate relationships, though there may be challenges related to idealism or confusion.
  • You may experience growth through partnerships that emphasize empathy, shared dreams, and emotional connection.

Neptune Imum Coeli Line (Neptune IC line):

  • This is where Neptune was at the lowest point in your horoscope, affecting your home life and inner foundations.
  • In these locations, you might feel a strong desire for a serene, spiritually nourishing home environment.
  • Good for focusing on creating a peaceful, inspirational, and imaginative home space.
  • You may experience a greater need for solitude, reflection, and connection to your inner world within your home and family life.

What does the Neptune line mean in astrocartography?

The Neptune line in astrocartography is like a special path that brings dreams, intuition, and spiritual understanding. It's connected to creativity, imagination, and our inner thoughts.

Is Neptune's line worth living on?
What is it like living on your Neptune line?

Living on your Neptune line means feeling spiritual, getting artistic ideas, and trusting your gut feelings and intuition. It's great for people who love art and spiritual stuff.

For all other people, the Neptune line is not suitable, as it forces them to live in illusions.

What does my Neptune placement mean?

What does Neptune line mean for you? Neptune line is suitable only for people who are connected to art, mysticism and esotericism. For other people, the Neptune line makes them live in illusions and dreams.

What does the Neptune line represent in Astrocartography?

The Neptune line shows places where Neptune's effects are strong. It might mean things like spirituality, creativity, or feeling a bit confused sometimes.

What to expect on your Neptune astrocartography lines?

On your Neptune astrocartography line, expect experiences characterized by heightened intuition, artistic inspiration, spiritual exploration, but also potential for confusion or deception.

Blog post

How Neptune Line Influences Your Personal and Spiritual Growth

If your astrocartography map has a Neptune line in a certain spot, it might mean you'll feel more connected to spiritual and magical things there. Here are some general influences associated with a Neptune line:

Spiritual Awareness: Neptune is about being really spiritual and aware of deeper things. If you're in a place with a Neptune line, you might feel even more connected to your spiritual side and want to explore magical stuff.

Artistic Inspiration: Neptune is about being really creative and loving art. If you're in a place with a Neptune line, it might make you feel even more inspired to do artistic things like painting, making music, or writing stories.

Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Neptune is linked to having strong gut feelings and psychic skills. If you're in a place with a Neptune line, it might make your intuition even sharper and help you sense things others can't.

Emotional Sensitivity: Neptune can make you really sensitive to feelings, but it might also make you want to escape from them. It's important to find a balance and not get too lost in daydreams or make-believe.
In the realm of relocated astrology, one's MC line and ascending line take center stage on the astrocartography map, shaping the astrocartography chart with their unique influence. Neptune IC line, a beacon for spiritual healing and energy alignment, intersects with our earthly endeavors, offering profound insights into our spiritual journey. Through the lens of astrology, we navigate the world, living out the energies of our birth chart in different locations, each experience a testament to the power of planetary alignment. With Western astrology as our guide, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, where the laws of attraction intertwine with our astrocartography chart, unveiling the cosmic blueprint of our existence.
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